Dear Dracula

Dear Dracula

Dear Dracula
  • Visuals - 7.5/10
  • Story - 8.5/10

Movie Description

Dracula has a great opportunity to try his skills at a neighborhood Halloween party, where he realizes that self-confidence is enough to make him scarier that he ever was when helping out his biggest fan.

Plot Summary

With Christmas a far way off, too far to write Santa requesting a Count Dracula action figure he sees on TV, young Sam writes a letter to the legendary vampire himself. On a quest to become the scariest monster once again, Dracula pays Sam a visit. This has a quality of a TV movie, but it remains a perfectly enjoyable watch. It also offers commentary on the modern vampire and funny/cute Halloween costumes, offering some laughs for adults as well as kids. It’s a short film, and if purchased on DVD includes a kids art program from Canada called Artzooka. With the feature and the art program, it comes in at about an hour. In the end it’s just a fun, lighthearted film that deserves a bigger budget than it received.

Written by Russell D. 

Movie Trailer

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